What if bad weather is predicted where I plan to travel? Will TravelSafe cover me if I cancel my trip?

The Pre-Departure Trip Cancellation Benefit covers cancellation of the insured's trip within 36 hours of the Insured's scheduled departure date and time if his/her trip destination is under a hurricane warning issued by the NOAA National Hurricane Center, provided the cancellation of the insured's trip occurs more than 14 days following the insured's effective date of coverage for the trip cancellation benefits. Other than this, the policy does not provide coverage if you cancel your trip based upon what might happen.

If, prior to departure or while on your trip, your hotel or resort is damaged or closed due to bad weather and the hotel or resort cancels your reservation (and cannot provide you with comparable accommodations elsewhere), you will be covered. See the TravelSafe policy for complete details of this coverage.

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